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On the Low-Energy Electromagnetic Dipole Modes in 151,153,155Sm Nuclei

The recently observed low-energy magnetic dipole (M1) and electric dipole (E1) excitations in deformed 151,153,155Sm are theoretically analysed. Rotational Invariant (RI-) and Translational-Galilean Invariant (TGI-) Quasiparticle Nuclear Model (QPNM) are used in the calculation of M1 and E1 properties, respectively. Both theories consider monopole pairing between nucleons, and the deformed Woods-Saxon potential is used as the mean-field potential. Pyatov's symmetry restoration procedure is applied in these models to eliminate the spurious modes from the intrinsic nuclear excitations. Model calculations show that although E1 transitions dominate the low-energy dipole spectra of 151,153,155Sm, many low-lying M1 transitions exist in these nuclei. It is shown that the most significant contribution to E1 and M1 excitation comes from ΔK=±1 transitions. The theory satisfactorily reproduces the gross features of low-lying dipole modes determined from the Oslo Method analysis of the experimental spectra.

Influence of TiO2 content on the radiation shielding properties of the La2O3-B2O3- Gd2O3-Nb2O5-ZrO2-SiO2 glasses

This paper aims to study the radiation shielding properties of lanthanide glasses, according to the formula xTiO2-51La2O3-(24-x)B2O3–8Gd2O3- 8Nb2O5-6ZrO2-3SiO2 (x= 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, wt.%). Using FLUKA Monte Carlo code, the mass attenuation coefficients (MAC), half-value layers (HVL), and effective atomic numbers (Zeff) of the lanthanide glasses were estimated at medical diagnostic energies (between 20 and 150 keV). The MACs of the glasses are between 0.5183 and 24.407 cm2/g for 0Ti, 0.5215-24.788 cm2/g for 4Ti, 0.5193-25.161 cm2/g for 8Ti, 0.5163-25.529 cm2/g for 12Ti, and 0.5183-25.916 cm2/g for 16Ti. These results are consistent with the Phy-X theoretical database (with a percentage difference below 3 %). The lanthanide glasses showed good photon shielding ability compared to lead concrete, and RS-360 & RS-253-G18 commercial glasses, commonly used shielding materials. In this work, 16Ti possesses the highest, lowest, and highest values of MAC, HVL, and Zeff, respectively, at the various energies investigated, which implies that the 16Ti sample has better shielding performance. All in all, this work demonstrated that adding TiO2 to the glass samples could provide preferable shielding features.

The giant dipole resonance (GDR) in odd-mass 181–195Pt nuclei

This manuscript theoretically examines the Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) in odd-mass 181–195Pt nuclei with the Translational and Galileo Invariant Qusiparticle Phonon Nuclear Model (TGI-QPNM) for the first time. TGI-QPNM includes axially symmetric Woods-Saxon potential, isovector dipole–dipole interaction and restoration forces for spontaneously broken Galilean and Translation symmetries of the nuclear Hamiltonian. Therefore, TGI-QPNM makes eliminating the spurious contributions in the E1 spectrum possible. The obtained results show that the odd-mass 181–195Pt isotopes have a two-peak structure. In 181–187Pt isotopes, while the second peak is higher than the first, in 189–195Pt isotopes, it’s the opposite. The photo-absorption result for the 195Pt is in reasonably good agreement with the experimental data.

Understanding the relationship between electric dipole polarizability and photonuclear (-2) moment in odd-A actinide nuclei

The nuclear electric dipole (E1) polarizability (αE1) is mainly dominated by the dynamics of the giant dipole resonance (GDR). αE1 is proportional to the (-2) moment of the total photo nuclear cross-section (σ−2). This research investigates the relationship between αE1 and σ−2, along with the effects of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR) and GDR in odd-mass actinide nuclei. For the first time, αE1 and σ−2 values have been calculated using the Translational and Galilean Invariant Quasiparticle Phonon Nuclear Model (TGI-QPNM) approach for odd-A actinide nuclei. According to TGI-QPNM results, E1 dipole transitions in the GDR region significantly contribute to σ−2 due to the energy weighting factor. Below the neutron separation threshold, the PDR in neutron-rich nuclei shows a contribution of about 5% to σ−2 values. In this region, E1 polarizability can reach values of 20%–25%. The αE1 values indicate presence of PDR in these nuclei. Additionally, the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), a new machine learning method, has been performed to analyze the relationship between αE1 and σ−2. The ANFIS results have been compared with those from the TGI-QPNM and experimental data. The TGI-QPNM model achieves an R2 of 0.85–0.95, while the ANFIS model achieves an R2 of 0.99. Moreover, the study suggests that the ANFIS model, consistent with TGI-QPNM results, could be an effective tool for estimating σ−2 in odd-A actinide nuclei.

Integrated photonuclear cross sections in the giant dipole resonance of odd-mass actinide nuclei

This study explores the integrated total photonuclear cross section (σ0) within the context of the giant dipole resonance (GDR) in odd-mass actinide nuclei. Using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy ınference system (ANFIS) machine learning algorithms, we analyze the GDR behaviors associated with the σ0 values in these nuclei. The modeling results obtained from ANFIS and ANN are compared among themselves and with the Translational Galilean Invariant Quasiparticle Phonon Nuclear Model (TGI-QPNM) and experimental data. Machine learning analysis and TGI-QPNM results provide valuable insights into the GDR characteristics of odd-mass actinides, shedding light on their photonuclear properties. The ANFIS model has achieved an R2 value of 0.98 and an RMSE of 0.19, while the ANN model (LM) has yielded an R2 value of 0.95 and an RMSE of 0.24. These findings deepen our understanding of nuclear physics, underscoring the role of artificial intelligence techniques in deciphering complex phenomena within nuclear structures. In conclusion, our study suggests that the ANFIS model, in agreement with TGI-QPNM results, generally outperforms the ANN (LM) method and could be a more effective tool for estimating the energy-weighted sum rule for GDR.

The effect of zinc, iron and manganese content on gamma shielding properties of magnesium-based alloys produced using the powder metallurgy

This study investigates the effects of Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), and Iron (Fe) additions on the microstructure, corrosion behaviour, biocompatibility, mechanical, and gamma-ray shielding properties of Magnesium (Mg) alloys prepared in various compositions using powder metallurgy (PM). The microstructure and mechanical properties of these alloys were analyzed using electron microscopes (SEM and FE-SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. The results showed positive changes in the material's structure when the percentage of zinc added to pure magnesium increased. It was observed that the material became ductile, and the ductile fracture increased when the zinc ratio increased. The gamma-ray shielding properties of newly produced Mg-based alloys have also been discussed since they have a high potential for use in space technologies. Radiation shielding measurements have been performed using a 3′′ × 3″ NaI(Tl) scintillation detector NaI (Tl) gamma-ray spectrometer. The gamma-ray shielding parameters such as the linear attenuation coefficients (μl), mass attenuation coefficient (μm), effective atomic number (Zeff), half-value layer (HVL), and tenth-value layer (TVL) have been determined experimentally at photon energies of 0.511 MeV (emitted from a 22Na radioactive point source) and 1.173 MeV and 1.332 MeV (emitting from a 60Co radioactive point source). The obtained parameters have been compared to the theoretical results of the XCOM software, and a satisfactory agreement has been found. It can be said from the results that the Mg30Zn alloy has the best shielding properties among the produced materials.

The electric dipole characteristics of well-deformed 171,173Yb

The electric dipole response of well-deformed 171,173Yb in the giant dipole resonance (GDR) and pygmy dipole resonance (PDR) range has been theoretically analyzed using the translation and Galileo invariant quasiparticle phonon nuclear model (TGI-QPNM). The TGI-QPNM consists of an axially symmetric Woods-Saxon Potential, monopole pairing, dipole-dipole residual interaction, and the restoration terms for broken translation and Galilean symmetries. Numerical calculations show the existence of considerable E1 excitations around the neutron separation threshold (Sn) in both isotopes. The TGI-QPNM results of the photoabsorption cross-section give a double-humped shape in both nuclei, consistent with the available experimental data. The integrated moments (σ0, σ−1) and the centroid energies in the GDR region are also reproduced well.

Polarization effects on the rotational gyromagnetic ratio and magnetic dipole moments of 175,177,177mYb

The measured ground- and isomeric-state magnetic moments of 175,177Yb have been theoretically investigated for the first time using the method based on the Quasiparticle Phonon Nuclear Model (QPNM). In this method, spin-polarization is produced through interaction between the magnetic dipole (M1) excitations of the core and the odd particle. It provides a quenched spin gyromagnetic factor whose magnitude depends on the density of 1+ levels in the core. gR factors, one of the essential inputs of the magnetic moment calculations, have been computed with a newly developed approach. The predictions of theory for the magnetic moments are in excellent agreement with experimental data.

Polarization factors and their effects on the rotational gyromagnetic ratio

The effect of the polarizations on the collective gyromagnetic ratio (gR) has been investigated in detail using the Rotational Invariant Quasiparticle Phonon Nuclear Model (RI-QPNM). The model includes an axially symmetric mean-field potential, monopole pairing, spin-dependent residual interactions, and the restoration forces determined according to Pyatov's prescription for rotational invariance. The restoration of the rotational symmetry gives a solution at the zero energy associated with the rotational branch of nucleonic motion, allowing us to obtain the gR-factors of the core. The remaining solutions lead to the appearance of configuration mixing in the excitation spectrum of the odd-mass deformed nucleus. The configuration mixing quenches both spin and angular momentum matrix elements and affects the contribution of the odd particle to the gR. It has been demonstrated that the polarization factors associated with the ΔK = 1 matrix elements are essential to achieve quantitative agreement with the experimental data. It has also been shown that the general assumption for core polarization, i.e., gseff≈0.6gsfree, is insufficient to explain the experimental data.

Inference and visualization of nuclear magnetic moment studies with neuro-fuzzy systems

This study aims to predict the magnetic moments of nuclei with odd-A numbers in a certain region of which the magnetic moment has not yet been calculated, using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (Anfis) method. In our Anfis model the proton number (Z), neutron number (N), and spin value (I) are used as inputs for nuclei with 1 ≤ Z ≤ 88. With 652 nuclei in the dataset, consisting of the provided input data, 528 odd-A nuclei were used for training, and 124 odd-A nuclei were used for testing. The fact that the Anfis model was closer to the experimental data in the training and testing processes than the theoretical methods encouraged us to make inferences about the nuclei of which experimental nuclear magnetic moment is unknown. Motivated by the presence of odd-A nuclei exhibiting Iπ = 1/2±, 3/2±, and 5/2± ground-state configurations near the doubly closed-shell, within the 1 ≤ Z ≤ 28 regions, along with the limited knowledge of nuclear properties in this range. This study has conducted magnetic moment inferences for 165 nuclei lacking experimental data. Specifically, Na, F, and P isotopes have been chosen as Magnetic moment value inferences made for these isotopes using Anfis have also been compared with the theoretical results of the Quasiparticle-Phonon Nuclear Method (QPNM) and with the Shell Model calculations. There is a satisfactory agreement between our predictions and the results of these two theories. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that within the same isotope series, nuclei with identical ground-state configurations consistently yield compatible results, irrespective of the availability of experimental magnetic moments. In addition, the fact that the values obtained from test and train operations remain within acceptable error limits, with a range of approximately 0.03%–0.04%, reveals the reliability of our system. Since the Neuro-Fuzzy system will be a first in the field of nuclear technologies, we believe that the outputs of our study will be a good reference for future studies.

A theoretical analysis of the electromagnetic dipole response in odd-A thorium isotopes

We here present a theoretical analysis of electric and magnetic dipole (E1 and M1) resonances in the 229−233Th isotopes. In this study, the characteristic features of M1 and E1 excitations were calculated using the rotational invariant (RI-) and the translational Galilean invariant (TGI-) quasiparticle phonon nuclear models (QPNM), respectively.These models have been successfully applied to most rare-earth and actinide nuclei, with them yielding results that are consistent with the available experimental data.This study directly compares the TGI-QPNM results with experimental cross-section data (Oslo type; (γ ,abs.)), and the model was found to reproduce the structural splitting of the E1 strength into two humps in the 8–20 MeV energy region.Furthermore, the study shows that the theoretical spectra of the 231,233Th isotopes, whose giant dipole resonance (GDR) has not yet been measured, almost overlaps with the experimental GDR spectrum of the neighboring 232Th nucleus.The predicted GDR parameters, such as peak energy, cross section, and width, are consistent with the experimental results. Our analysis also yields results that are similar to the corresponding parameters reported in the Oslo data for the PDR E1 (ωpyg≈7.2 MeV; σpyg≈10 mb) and spin-flip M1 (ωM1≈6.67 MeV; σM1≈4.36 mb) resonances.

Microscopic calculation of the electromagnetic dipole strength for 239,243Pu isotopes

This work investigates the electric and magnetic dipole (E1 and M1) responses for 239,243Pu isotopes based on the quasiparticle phonon nuclear model, which was complemented by adding, for the first time, residual interactions for addressing the violations of rotational, translational, and Galilean symmetries caused by the mean-field approach. We focus on the E1 and M1 dipole strengths and photoabsorption cross sections up to 20 MeV, with the results revealing that the giant dipole resonance best describes the experimental trend with a ratio of 95%. It appears that most of the E1 strength is found at Ex=8–20 MeV, but the total B(E1)↑ strength for the pygmy dipole resonance at Ex=4–8 MeV accounts for some 1.83 e2fm2, which in turn corresponds to 2% of the Thomas–Reiche–Kuhn sum rule. Furthermore, the resultant total B(M1)↑ value for the scissors mode strength below 4 MeV is 5.65 μN2 which is below that of the Oslo data (10.1(15μN2)). However, the theoretically predicted scissors resonance structure has two peaks in the 1–3.5 MeV energy range, so it exhibits a similar trend to that found in the Oslo data.

Effect of hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid treatment on the morphology, structure and gamma permeability of 2D MXene Ti3C2Tx electrodes

Two-dimensional (2-D) materials have attracted tremendous interest once discovered due to their unique physical and chemical properties. One of the critical applcation areas of the 2-D materials is the production of electrodes for batteries. The electrodes can be produced in different ways. In the present study, in order to create MXene powders required in the manufacturing of electrodes, several acids and mixing times have been tested. The structural characteristics of these materials have been analyzed by scanning them under electron microscopes (SEM and FE-SEM), using the X-ray diffraction (XRD) method, the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). From these analyses, the morphological changes due to different etching acids and mixing time has been determined and discussed. In addition to the structural characterisation, the gamma radiation absorption properties of MXene electrodes have been examined with the typical experimental setup equipped with 3 × 3 NaI(Tl) detector. The linear and mass attenuation coefficients of them have been determined. The effect of different acid treatments and the mixture times on the gamma absorption properties has also been discussed.

Scissors mode and effects of the low-lying E1 excitations on the dipole distributions in 175Lu

The low-lying magnetic (M1) and electric (E1) dipole modes in well-deformed odd-proton 175Lu have been investigated in the framework of the Rotational, Translational, and Galilean Invariant-Quasiparticle Phonon Nuclear Model (RTGI-QPNM) for the first time. In this model, the single-particle basis obtained from an axially symmetric Woods-Saxon potential, E1 and M1 excitations are assumed to be generated by isovector dipole-dipole and spin-spin interactions between nucleons, respectively. It also includes the restoration forces for breaking the Rotational, Translational and Galilean symmetries of the nuclear Hamiltonian. The transition probabilities, radiation widths and the structure for both M1 and E1 transitions in 175Lu have been calculated. The theory has satisfactorily reproduced the observed fragmentation in dipole spectra. However, the individual dipole strength of the states is higher than the experimental ones, which may be attributed to the lack of multiphonon configurations in the model used. Besides, the predicted total dipole radiation width and its reduced value are almost twice the experimental data. This difference is a well-known phenomenon for odd-mass deformed nuclei, called 'missing strength', arising in the Nuclear Resonance Flouracanse experiment due to the high-level densities.

Pygmy and isovector giant dipole resonance in 175Lu

The isovector electric giant dipole (E1) resonance (IVGDR) in well-deformed odd-proton 175Lu is investigated using the Translational and Galilean Invariant- Quasiparticle Phonon Nuclear Model (TGI-QPNM) for the first time. E1 transition probabilities, radiation widths, photoabsorption cross-sections, and integrated moments (σ−2, σ−1, σ0, σ+1 and σ+2) have been calculated up to 25 MeV using this model. The photoabsorption cross-section results show that ΔK=0 and ΔK=±1 modes split in 175Lu due to large quadrupole deformation (prolate). Thus, a two-peak shape occurs, which is consistent with the available experimental data. The centroid energies and the widths of these peaks are also reproduced well. Besides, special attention is paid to the low-energy tail of GDR, particularly around the neutron separation energy, where an enhancement of electric dipole strength has been observed for many nuclei in recent years.