In this project, the GDR region energy-weighted total cross sections(σ-2, σ-1 ve σ0) and dipole polarizability (αD) values of odd-A 225-229Ac, 229-235Th, 233-239U, 233-239Np, 239-245Pu and 241,243Am nuclei located in the actinide region were estimated for the first time using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). A large data set (418) was created using 219 nuclei in the project. In the estimations, the mass numbers (A), atomic numbers (Z), neutron numbers (N), neutron-proton effect (N/Z), isospin symmetry effect(δ=(N-Z)/A), division probability of nuclei (Z2/A), and deformation parameters (β2) of nuclei were used as input layers.
The energy-weighted total cross sections and dipole polarizabilities of the nuclei considered within the scope of the project were also calculated theoretically with the Translational and Galileo Invariant Quasiparticle Phonon Nuclear Model (TGI-QPNM) and compared with the obtained prediction results.
1002-A Project
12 Months
1 MSc
2 BSc